Saturday, December 31, 2016


So I recently came out as being Demisexual. I think its important for people to know and its also important for those I get into relationships to know about my sexuality. Mostly everyone I know understands I'm bi. But recently coming out as Demi has been a good and pleasant experience.  

Doll ideas

So one of the things I've really gotten into this year is collecting toys and also a bunch of toys. Not just one brand. The picture above is of art of a doll I got. Shes called Sis Swing and shes from the LOL collection. I got doubles of this girl. (They come in blind balls so you don't know whom your getting)

Because shes a double I want to customize this one and make it different. I'm thinking of giving her really cool purple hair with sparkles. I'm also trying to think of what outfit would be really cute to do.

These are my ideas so far: 
Purple skirt with a white top. (I might look at Larme Kei for ideas)
Maid outfit
Nurse outfit

My Calendar !

So I bought myself a new calendar for 2017. Its Sailor Moon!

Its really cute and I'm so happy it uses the old style of sailor moon art and not the Sailor Moon Crystal art. I'm so excited cause I get to flip it to January tomorrow! Sailor Moon is for January too. So ekk! I get to see her happy face ever day!


"Victoriously proclamation my total innocence and discarding any shame or secrecy from what was done to me.
I proudly reclaim my tenderest love for my scared body
My control over my full sexuality
my unconditional love for myself and others.
my full trust in myself and my ability to know when to rely on others.
my connection with other people and everywhere and my complete power and visibly as a women.
with unlimited choice and impact in the world. "

Favorite Song

This is one of my favorite songs of this year.

Its a really good song and I also love the video. It also is amazing to know that this anime art was created for this song and this video. I'm so use to listening to music and seeing anime AMV's so its nice to see this.


Hi everyone;

I haven't posted on here in forever! Sorry about that everyone.

I wanted to do a end of the year post.  I like talking about my highlights and good things that have happened.  So without waiting any longer let me post about all of the super cool stuff that happened in 2016!

  • Highlights of this year (2016):

  • I played my First MMO 
  • Finished all of my English Courses. 
  • I made my First Mori Kei group and did my first Mori kei meetup in Vic. 
  • I wrote a bit of a Fan Fiction 
  • I went on a beach cleanup! 
  • Found a local group I can go to for BPD and I go pretty much ever week. 
  • Made some new friends. 
  • I got out of an abusive relationship. (*High fives self* GO YOU) 
  • I went to my first Gala 
  • I bought myself some fancy coloring pencils 
  • I had my first hospital visit to the psycho area because of mental health reasons. Truthfully I'm glad I went there compared to hurting myself more. 
  • I found a super cool house to live in thanks to a friend I felt safe for once in a very long time. 
  • Was super active this summer. I went hiking all of the same, went out swimming a ton too. 
  • Tried things I never done before. 
  • I did some modeling 
  • I bought my first Lush Products this year. 
  • I saw some really good movies this year. 
  • I went out to a pumpkin patch this year and also did some spooky things for Halloween 
  • Dating a really cool man. I was also dating a really sweet girl for awhile but we broke up and fell out of touch. But its okay. =) 
  • I bought my new fishy. He is my baby fish and I love him. 
  • I started a youtube channel. 
  • I had a really amazing 25th birthday 
  • Got my teeth fixed and cleaned. 
  • I also had a really good Christmas with my boyfriend, his daughter and also our friends came over for the days before Christmas and after to hangout. I really loved it.