Saturday, December 31, 2016


Hi everyone;

I haven't posted on here in forever! Sorry about that everyone.

I wanted to do a end of the year post.  I like talking about my highlights and good things that have happened.  So without waiting any longer let me post about all of the super cool stuff that happened in 2016!

  • Highlights of this year (2016):

  • I played my First MMO 
  • Finished all of my English Courses. 
  • I made my First Mori Kei group and did my first Mori kei meetup in Vic. 
  • I wrote a bit of a Fan Fiction 
  • I went on a beach cleanup! 
  • Found a local group I can go to for BPD and I go pretty much ever week. 
  • Made some new friends. 
  • I got out of an abusive relationship. (*High fives self* GO YOU) 
  • I went to my first Gala 
  • I bought myself some fancy coloring pencils 
  • I had my first hospital visit to the psycho area because of mental health reasons. Truthfully I'm glad I went there compared to hurting myself more. 
  • I found a super cool house to live in thanks to a friend I felt safe for once in a very long time. 
  • Was super active this summer. I went hiking all of the same, went out swimming a ton too. 
  • Tried things I never done before. 
  • I did some modeling 
  • I bought my first Lush Products this year. 
  • I saw some really good movies this year. 
  • I went out to a pumpkin patch this year and also did some spooky things for Halloween 
  • Dating a really cool man. I was also dating a really sweet girl for awhile but we broke up and fell out of touch. But its okay. =) 
  • I bought my new fishy. He is my baby fish and I love him. 
  • I started a youtube channel. 
  • I had a really amazing 25th birthday 
  • Got my teeth fixed and cleaned. 
  • I also had a really good Christmas with my boyfriend, his daughter and also our friends came over for the days before Christmas and after to hangout. I really loved it. 

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