Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Piggy Sitting! + Piggy related stuff

So for the summer I'm going to start piggy sitting. I'm also adding other small animals to my list of what I'll sit. Like Hamsters and other small rodent like creatures. Not birds cause I find them kinda loud, and trying to get them back in their cage can sometimes be... difficult. To say the least.  But I'm really hoping I can mostly baby sit guinea piggies for people.

It would be at other peoples houses, not mine. Cause I want my place to stay a home for two piggy girls, nothing else.

I'm excited because I've had a couple of people message me now about piggy sitting and once people reply with dates and info and stuff I can start planning a time table around who I'm pet sitting for and I can start to plan and figure out stuff. :)

Oh and my piggy girls are doing wonderful! They have been really happy. =) They've also gotten really big. I didn't notice the size, my boyfriend pointed it out to me that they got huge.  Oh and today they got spoiled! They got a two new tunnels for them to play in.  And tunnels are a guinea pigs favorite toy. So they are very happy.

 I also will be saving some money up for them so when my boyfriend and I go to Japan, the piggy girls will have a place to go. :) Cause we've been looking into that. Some places charge $100 per week for piggies to stay in town.  But at least I can bring them to a place that'll give them a lot of love and care. =) 

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