Friday, June 9, 2017

Life Update!

So my life has been really good! Its been really good to me, and overall I feel like this last year, even with its bumps, its been a good and healthy year.

I've been with my handsome boyfriend for about a year now, we've also moved in together in a short time. And I honestly enjoy my time with my boyfriend, he is a super great person who knows how to make me happy. I also really love him cause I feel like he really listens to what I have to say and stuff. And he has been with me even when stuff gets really hard, or I start to deal with this horrible studder that makes talking and forming sentences hard.


My guinea pig babies are doing really well too. I've had them for a couple of months now, they've gotten so big! And they are very talkative. Rose bear and Leda are also perfect little sisters, sure they rumble, sometimes they get upset with each other. But they are adore and really sweet babies. I also know they love one another. They make me happy, I also have been plunking money into there cage it seems. I keep buying them cute/cool things for them. Like now they have pvc pipes to play in. They are also growing a huge stuffed animal collection. I guess my biggest worry for them is the summer is coming. I don't want them to over heat so I need to start planning some ways to keep there cage cool for the summer.

Lastly one of the biggest life updates is I finally got a job! I know! After years of searching, I finally had a place give me a chance. Its a fun job, I like it. I don't mind how fast paced it is either. I feel like I sometimes do get all frazzled about whats going on. And some of the customers really and truly do confuse me. But I'm getting more comfortable, I ended up cutting my hours back because of physical and mental health reasons. I also prefer doing drive thru, compared to front counter. I feel safer doing drive thru just cause I can close a wind before moving on to  the next guest vs, people just walking up and starting to order even though i'm not ready.
Having a job is also nice cause now i'm able to start saving money up for trips and other things. Its also nice cause i'm able to buy some things I'll like and be able to fit. (I've gained weight. so some of my clothes no longer flatter me!)  Like I want to go to Japan, and thats a big trip to save for.  But I also want to do a lot of fun and "summer-ish" things. Like I want to go to tofino, I want to go camping. I would love to go off to parksvillle to see the sand scupltures. And a lot of other things. :) 

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