Saturday, June 17, 2017


I feel like a lot of the time I lack some things, like compassion. Or Whats the term I'm looking for? Empathy.

Yes, that's the term.

Empathy is a term I hear a lot of. Its a term I learnt in a psychology class. Having empathy for other people. I tend to find this really hard to do. I mean, I can look at situations and think to myself 'oh my gosh' or 'wow thats crazy' or 'I don't know how I would react' to something. But that tends to be as far as I'm able to really go. I feel like even now I still can't really get myself caught up in the emotions of issues because then I became lost- I no longer can find myself when I get swept up in emotions. Even if I'm thinking "Oh I need to give this person comfort." it can turn to. "Yeah, I need to comfort this person, but wow, this is hard". So I guess for me its really hard to learn to have empathy.

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