Saturday, June 17, 2017


Parksville is a really lovely place!! I've never been and I'm going again later on this summer to enjoy more of the stuff it has to offer. I'm so excited too! I also want to save cause I want to go shopping there. They have a couple of new age spiritual stores. Which I like, I also like those stores cause the clothes tend to feel really comfortable and cozy. But yeah, the next time I go, it'll be a bit more of a planned trip. With some shopping and I've also heard they do sand castles/sand thing building out there in the summer which is cool!

The drive out there took forever! BUT we did see some pretty nice views. =) 

I got to go on Tuesday! I mostly went for the beach.

The beach is lovely. There is a ton of sand, some areas have pointy rocks that have barnacles living on them. But you can walk on this boardwalk and when you see sand you can go and run out and play on it.

The tide was out when we went so we got to explore shallow tide pools and have fish swim across our feet, we also got to point and poke at sea shells, and sand dollars. I also saw sea jellies and a dried sea star. (I want to see some alive ones next time please!)

Look at the baby sanddollars! So cute!

I had a lot of fun at the beach. We searched, played in the water, laughed, and we also had fun.

After we were done on the beach, and done playing on the playground, and we had food in our tummies we were going to leave. But I wanted to wonder around a bit before we left! And I found there Tuesday market! It was cool.  (This is also the reason why I want to go shopping! They have some really cool stores!)

There was a ton of stuff, we had yummy fudge from one person, we also went into a couple of stores, Shades of Green was one! I bought myself a super happy necklace and I got some ocean totems too.

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