Sunday, September 24, 2017


Hello everyone,

I haven't posted in while on here. I've been really quiet lately.  My last post was back in July.  I've been busy since than.  Although I wasn't really busy with super cool important things. Like getting some cool job somewheres or something else like that. I've been pretty busy. So I thought I would do an update.

My piggy girls are doing well. Leda and Rosie are pretty happy in there cage. They are also enjoying there cuddle time. I was also able to keep them cool during the summer, and I'm so glad I was able to do that. The summer was a huge worry for me, once the heat hit. I was extremely worried my babies could get heat stroke and die. But they didn't and I did a good job keeping them hydrated. They got a lot of cucumber days and a lot of days of cool dark places to hid. I look up and got some ideas of how to keep there cage cool. Plus we also have an air coordinator.

(This is Rose hiding. XD I see your little paw baby girl.) 

There both doing really well, and now its fall, so days are getting shorter and also cooler which means a lot of there cooling down stuff isn't needed to be done.  Oh they also got to do a sleep over at someones house when I was away. That was pretty exciting for them.

For the mental health side I've went out swimming a lot at sooke potholes. I think we went twice a week most of the summer. It was really nice. I love the water. I also like if you swim upstream a little you can always get away from people. Which is really nice.
 One of the other nice things about this is I was able to go out and do actives. Which is really important when fighting mental illness. I'm trying to isolate myself less because when I isolate I make myself a lot worst. Also when I isolate I often just sleep, which means my body isn't making the chemicals it needs to be happy. And I'm also than not doing physical activity. So for me its really important. More so with the goal of wanting to recovery from mental illness.

I also had a really nice camping trip this summer too. I got to jump into glaicer water and I got to go to parksville again. I also got to make smores, drink some booze. and I got to relax. Which I think is the most important part. I was really nervous about camping cause I tend to find it stressful. But I found it pretty enjoyable.

Also one of my friends from Alberta came to see me, I felt pretty happy about that. We went to the gardens out here too.  It was really nice, and I'm so happy I got to see her. I haven't seen her since I was 19. So thats like 5 years now? =) It was just nice to spend time with someone who is really kind.

What else... Oh I went on my first trip to Vancouver by myself. I didn't see anyone, but I did get to go around van by myself. I went to daiso and a couple of places I know really well. I also got to go to hot topic for the first time- which was pretty exciting.   I went to the mall too that was close to the ferry station.

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