Sunday, April 30, 2017

Bucket List

This is just a short list of stuff I want to do soon!

  • Go swimming a lot
  • Go to low tide out here!
  • See the fire works for Canada day!
  • Go strawberry picking
  • Go camping
  • Go Hiking
  • Go to the fair. (You know with ferries wheels and cotton candy)
  • Go to a ren faire
  • Go to Tofino
  • Go to a farmers market
  • Go to the aquarium. 
<3 yeah those are my current bucket list items right now!


I really do feel like we control our future and who we will become. I feel like as a grown up person I control my outcome. I control my own future. I control how I'm going to feel, I control what I think. What I believe. Because I have this control I also can change my thoughts, my feelings the way I think. I need too. I need to be able to adapted to the way we live. The way the world is.

I feel like without that, I'm just another person blindly following everyone around me. Not creating a person.

I like that I can control what I'm going to do, who I'm going to speak to, whom I'm not going to speak to. What I'm going to do, who I'm going to see, where I'm going to travel. What I'm going to see.

I control my life.

There are so many things in this world I want to learn, I want to speak languges. I want to laugh, I want to be me. I want to make friends, I want to learn ways to control my disorders and how I feel.  I want to be the one that figures out my future.

I can not change my passed.

And as much as my passed hurts to look back on. I feel like it has made me a stronger person. I feel like because of my passed, and what I've struggled with. What I've seen. Its what makes me who I am. It also helps me see the world the way I feel like it should be seen, by my eyes.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


So this is what I bought myself this year for Easter. This year for easter I felt like I should really treat myself and buy myself super cool goodies. I also bought my boyfriend a couple of easter goodies and same with this daughter. :) I also got my babies some easter gifts too. 

My boyfriend and I also spent some time on easter Monday together. I enjoyed my easter with him. 

Upcoming buys

I just wanted to make a bit of a list of what I want to buy in the next couple of months.

So my city is having a vintage toy fair happening in May.  I've been looking at vintage toys, the ones I'm looking for the most are the classic my little ponies. I really want one of the sea ponies!! They are so cute!!

Look at them!! They are so cute!!!
 and I also would love to maybe find some classic Calico critters. Cause I still adore those darn dolls.

I also would love to buy myself a doll. They are called Licca- Chan Dolls. They are big in Japan, They are kinda like our western barbie in the sense of how popular they are. But looking at them online, they seem super adorable.

I really would love to get this one!

And if I could also buy her some plain/less fancy outfits that would be cool too. I also would love to make her a little room house.

Cause something like that would be cute to make for her. :)

Free Comic Book Day!

Free comic book day is coming up and I'm really excited! I can't wait for this day cause I like getting stuff for free, and I really like getting geeky things for free too.  I've been looking at what they have to offer online for free comic books.

I want to find the wonder women one, Cause it looks really good and I love wonder woman.  Some of the other ones look really interesting but yeah I found the one I really want. <3 Seeing as I still collect those comics!

Sunday, April 16, 2017


I'm currently reading and learning about buddhism, I've been drawn to it for awhile. Well since I was 17, but I just have never explored it until recently. I'm finding what I'm reading so far is really interesting and its probably will help me with my borderline and other issues. I also just feel really peaceful when I read about it.

Friday, April 14, 2017


So I'm going to be gardening this weekend. I have soil, seeds, and flowers. These are all of my seeds I'll be planting. Veggies, fruit and flowers!

I'm excited. I also will be moving my blooming flowers in a new bin too so they can grow up and become really pretty flowers.  I also love the colors I picked, they are different shades of purple.

Baby Fish

My baby fish passed away a couple of weeks ago.  His name was Snape, which was one of my favorite harry potter characters. He was a black betta with some blue in his scales. He was very pretty and very happy. I fed him ever day and he would come out to see me. I'd say "Hi baby fish!" ever morning.

I was really heart broken and upset because I really loved him and he made me really happy. I liked seeing him ever day. He didn't live for long and I felt really upset that he passed. But I know I did take care of him.  And I also know he loved me, and I did deeply love him. I have finally figured out his finally resting place. He'll be in a bush of flowers.

My babies!

So I've had my piggy girls for about a month and a half now.  I'm in utter love with them, I did a bunch of researching before I was able to buy them and bring them home.   So these are my two girls. 

Their names are Leda and Rosy.
They are doing really well. They are about 4 months old now I think. And are super big girls. Rosy (the one in the bottom picture) shes more of a piggy, she likes to eat, and she also likes to talk to momma and shes really fond of being petted. She'll stand up on her two legs when I come by and ask her whats up. Mostly cause she wheeks at me. 

Leda is my shy bear. She does wheek, but its really soft, she will also make these soft cute squeaks. She is okay with being petted. BUT if you are able to get her out of her cage she turns into a talkative happy baby. And she also is my shoulder pig.  She likes being up high. Meanwhile Rosy just likes to lay in my lap and snooze. 

They also are exploring more foods ever day, and I'm glad they are in love with baby spring mix.   I really can't wait for berries to become more affordable and in season so I can get them some berries to eat. And summer will be coming too which means black berries will be bloom so the little bears will have a supply of those for sure!

Its also adorable cause they use to be so small. And they still are small. But look at how tiny they use to be!

<3 I love my wiggle bears and I just wanted to share them with you all.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Hello everyone, long time no post. I've been busy lately with a ton of things and coming onto my blogger has been the last thing on my mind. But I really wanted to update this place cause I've been forgetting and I really like to talk about the good things in my life. So when I'm down I can come somewhere's that shows me all of the good stuff I've done so far. 

Mental health wise:  Although I still have frustrations with the system we have. and the fact that I haven't received real therapy yet. I feel like I've been doing a lot better. The mix of self help books, awareness of my disorders and going to a local support group that isn't ran by any local doctors has just really helped me. Its also really helped cause sometimes I talk about difficulties and I look for advice or help and some people suggest skills. And then after they explain them, I try and make mental note of them to try the skills when I need them or don't need them.  So I feel like I'm doing better. 

Life wise: Oh my. My life has been really busy and honestly really delightful. I had bought myself two baby girls, A couple of months ago I metioned on here maybe getting guinea pigs. Well in March I had gotten two baby girls and I've been looking after them ever since. They've been doing really well and they are getting so big. I'm also so happy with them. I think thats been my most exciting thing so far in my life.
I  haven't gone back to school yet. I've been feeling so nervous and unsure of what I want to do. I think the couple of careers i'm in favor for, is either a vet for small animals or taking a psychology course. I want to look more into being a vet for small animals before I jump into a course I might not even enjoy.
I've also been looking for work.  I did have a job for a short time, but I ended up getting fired. Which really sucks. So I'm still looking for work. I'm also thinking of putting up an add to pet sit for people who go far away for the summer and need someone to look after there small pet. Like a hamster, guinea pig, bunnies... etc. Not so much puppers or kittens.