Sunday, April 30, 2017


I really do feel like we control our future and who we will become. I feel like as a grown up person I control my outcome. I control my own future. I control how I'm going to feel, I control what I think. What I believe. Because I have this control I also can change my thoughts, my feelings the way I think. I need too. I need to be able to adapted to the way we live. The way the world is.

I feel like without that, I'm just another person blindly following everyone around me. Not creating a person.

I like that I can control what I'm going to do, who I'm going to speak to, whom I'm not going to speak to. What I'm going to do, who I'm going to see, where I'm going to travel. What I'm going to see.

I control my life.

There are so many things in this world I want to learn, I want to speak languges. I want to laugh, I want to be me. I want to make friends, I want to learn ways to control my disorders and how I feel.  I want to be the one that figures out my future.

I can not change my passed.

And as much as my passed hurts to look back on. I feel like it has made me a stronger person. I feel like because of my passed, and what I've struggled with. What I've seen. Its what makes me who I am. It also helps me see the world the way I feel like it should be seen, by my eyes.

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