Monday, July 10, 2017

Mini goal for the year

One of my goals for this year is to try and work for a vet office. Either as a Secretary and answering the phone and doing front desk stuff, or even as a vet assistant.  I keep seeing them pop up as job opportunities in my area so I keep applying. I would love to do something with animals and more so small animals.  I don't have school training but I've noticed a few ads that don't ask for you to have a degree. Just a willingness to work with animals.  I'm allergic to animals, but I don't care or mind a bit of a runny nose and red eyes as long as I can help animals be happy and comfy. I also think it would be nice cause I got a couple of piggy girls and I know my piggies make me really happy and they help me. So I would love to help people look after there animals that are unwell that make them happy too.

So I'm really hoping I can get a job like this!

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