Friday, July 7, 2017

Stuff I make!

One of my talents/hobbies was shaping rocks. I really like gem stones. I love them, they make me feel so happy. I love the way they look, I love the colors that pop out from them when they are wet, or shined.  I love how cold they are. I really love gem stones. I use to do some lapidary stuff. It was nice to go off and do it on Thursdays. It was also nice causes it starts from just flat cuts of rock and you shape them, and than you get to grid them and get them to a lovely polish.

I loved doing that. I haven't done it in awhile though. Mostly cause I need to pay for a membership and I don't have money for that, and I hate doing these things alone if I have to be in public. And well the mechines are super pricey... So thats why I haven't been. Cause I would have to be around people.

But yeah, I made these!

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