Thursday, February 9, 2017


I know a lot of people view impulsive behavior as buying things. Like things you don't need. I know I can get like that.

But does anyone ever get the really bad urges to pull out all of your teeth?

Pull out all of your hair? Pull off your finger nails?

Or just do something to your body to shock a lot of people.

Its so freakin’ annoying that I sometimes get in these moods and my brain is like ‘YOU KNOW THIS WOULD BE A REALLY GOOD IDEA! THIS WOULD BE SO COOL’ and I’m like… I feel like this is something I really should say no to.

Would this even be classified as a bpd behavior?

What about my skin picking. Its more of a If I don’t do it X will happen. So I do it. But at the same time… the pain is really nice too. Unless I bruise myself. then its not so nice. But the pulling out my teeth urges and the wanting to rip off full finger nails like from the nail bed seem to kind of really scare me. These don't feel like normal wants. I also hate these feelings too cause sometimes my stomach wants to just twist up inside. I also know sometimes I feel like this cause I feel like I can't have nice things.

I also have been told by a lot of people before I have nice long nails or good nail beds so a lot of it I think is self sabotage but i'm not sure.

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