Saturday, February 25, 2017

Guinea Pig

If you've followed me on any website you probably know I've been really excited about getting two really cute guinea pigs. If you know me in real life, you probably know I'm excited cause I'm going to buy guinea pigs!  I preferable want two girls.

I've been doing a lot of research about my piggies.  And I'm also getting closer to being ready to pick out two cute girlies and bring them home and love them forever!

I've bought a couple of things for them.

I made a C&C cage today! I was so lucky I found all of this for $7.99 There was 14 squares. So I made this pretty big. Its 2 across and 4 long. I also like it because I can make it be a bit wider if I want too. 

The picture above isn't the most perfect of the cage it was a quick put together. And I'm not ready. It was done in the middle of the living room. 

I also have...
Puppy pads
2 fleece blankets and 3 baby blankets for them to cuddle in.
Litter pan.  
Dust pan and small hand broom
Micro fiber clothes that are textured. - They are for like swifters or something but I thought they'd be cute!
Hay bag

I still need to get:
Two houses
Food bowls 
Water bottle

I also want to grab a couple of chews for them to play with too.  :)

I do realize the first couple of days they'll be scared of me. So I'm going to just try and speak really softly to them when I feed them. Make sure they are happy babies and otherwise just let them be. (Even though I'll be like.. 'I WANNA TOUCH YOU! I WANNA PET YOU!')

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