Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Long time no post

I haven't really posted lately on here. I'm sorry, I feel like I've abandon this place. I didn't mean too. 

 Mostly haven't posted on here cause I haven't been sure what to post about. Christmas holidays came and went. And you know, I did have a good Christmas. I did presents with my boyfriend and his daughter.  And it was fun. I do still find that season hard, but I'm glad thats over.

Mostly this year so far has been my depression setting in and settled down for a bit. Low energy has been a thing. I've mostly been watching netflix and other shows to keep me busy during the days of depression. I hate laying in bed all the time when being depressed. I worry about doing nothing and I worry about how people are going to preserve me because of my depression and how I do nothing.  Which really sucks and it complies more stress and upset and makes depression worst because self worth goes onto of it.  So I try and do things during the day. even if its tiny or things people take for granted, like watching tv. I watched Gilmore Girls, I watched the walking dead, I've watch a couple of documentary's. But none the less its left a mess before getting up and moving on for a bit. 

So I'm getting back to normal. My energy is spiking back up, and I'm not feeling as bed bound as I was before and I have interest in doing stuff again. I'm feeling really good. 

Also I've been learning more about myself lately. I have really learned about my mood and how its really connected with situations and I'm becoming more aware of when stuff could upset me. I've been using the fact checking skills a lot more. I want to try and learn not to be caught up in my emotions. 

I've also be reading a lot about repression and about trauma and how the body stores trauma/traumatic events. I'm learning more which is something I want to do. I feel like the most I do self exploring the better I will become with myself.   And I know thats important in the long run. Is having a healthier me. 

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