Friday, February 24, 2017

Tsukino Con

I went to Tsukino Con in my city last week. I also volunteered this year for it.

I had fun mostly. I did run into a couple of snags volunteering. Like I dealt with rude people ordering from the concession, and also rude people volunteering behind the concession. On Friday I was thinking of not even going back because I was treated really poorly by people. I left my shift crying. My math skills aren't the best and they also are rusty and everything in the snack bar was mental math and its really hard when people are being rude towards you while you are trying to figure out totals, or how much change to give back, along with people working in your area complaining about how slow you are being, but also laying down on the floor and not even helping.  So because of that I wanted to quit and give up. But I didn't.

I had a better Saturday and sunday. I also worked with a lady who was really friendly and everyone who worked in my area was a lot nicer. We still had some rude costumers. and I just kept telling myself they are hungry and angry. they aren't angry at me, they are just hungnary.

I wish I had planned to see panels better. I only saw one, the rest of the time I just hung out in the artist alley looking at art and buying things. I also didn't really care for the panel I saw. I thought it was going to be happy cause it was "Cure" themed. From the anime called Pretty Cure. But they seemed really mean towards other types of magic girls anime. And they also hated Madoka. It was weird to hear the non-positive opinion of an anime I like. More so I cause it tainted the taste of this group of people.

Anyways, other then the pannel I spent a total for $60 the full weekend. So I only spent $20 per day.

These are some things I bought:

I've wore this a couple of times now! Its the necklace from Madoka! 

I also bought a couple of buttons. 

I wish I had saved money, cause I probably would buy some art. And if they had art for like one of my fav animes. I probably would have freaked out in excitement and been like 'I gotta get this!'

I do want to go again. But I'm not sure if I'll volunteer, I'm thinking if I do, I might pick another area. But I did have fun. And to be honest volunteering seen to also have given me some more kindness towards myself and I feel a lot less useless now that I've even volunteered. Like I feel value in myself a bit more. Which is honestly really nice! 

  I also would love to cosplay next year. 

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