Saturday, June 4, 2016

Days 24-27

Day 24: your favorite 10 people right now and why
My three roommates. - The people I live with that are super sweet people
My doctors - also helps with my mental health
My case worker - he helps me with my mental health
Sam - >3> he is always there to listen
My friend whos name starts with an R - he is one of my friends that live outside of canada that I find really important to me.
Nessy - My best friend.
Chris - My boyfriend. n-n
My teacher - She is understanding of my limitations

Day 25: a friend you have lost that you’re better off without/one you wish you had back

One of my friends I'm better off with was someone who I felt really impulsive around. I guess for the sake of my mental health and my income it helps that we aren't friends. They are a really sweet person. Its just there spending habit was brushing off onto me and I was coping them. Which wasn't good.

Day 26: 5 things you’re looking forward to
School to be over. I love school but I'm excited for it to be done so I can say I did another class and passed.
hanging out with my boyfriend.
having enough money to go to vancouver
having my friends coming out to see me
going to vancouver.

Day 27: a person you wished lived closer and why

Probably my best friend Vanessa would be nice to have live closer to me. I miss her a lot, and I feel like if she lived closer I would be able to hang out with her and probably have sleepovers and have a local person who is really supportive.

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