Sunday, June 5, 2016

Days 38 -41

day 38: thoughts on your generation

I think my generation is okay. I think people in that grew up in the 90's are going to have a good life, I think we didn't live around technology as much. We still had it, but it didn't revolve around our life so I think we did get the skills we need. I also grew up in a small town so I might not know what other people grew up with. but I know I spent most of my childhood outside playing with friends or exploring by myself, going on bike rids ect. So I did get life skills.

However I do wonder how kids in this generation are coping more with school and I know a lot of now adults my age deal with a lot of mental illness. I feel like that is a really big cause from spanking and I also tend to feel really concern as to what the next generations are going to be like.

day 39: why you think you’ve learned more from the good or the bad

I think I learnt from the good or bad quickly mostly because bad things would hurt. Like poking angry cats and getting swatted as by a angry cat. that was a bad thing. Good things use to make me feel special and I also liked being told I was good, or I did a good thing. I noticed I'd get praised when I was good, meanwhile when I was bad it was just cussing and swearing and screaming and hitting if I did something bad or dumb. So I think I learnt good from bad quickly.

day 40: what are features you get complimented on a lot

My eyes get the most complimented. they are blue and I get told they are pretty really often from people. :) I like them.

day 41: write a letter to yourself stating all the things you love about yourself

Dear Sae:

you have lovely eyes,

pretty lips,

lovely skin, (even when there is bumps)

you have long fingers, and pretty hands,

you have lovely legs and lovely curves.

These are the things that make you really beautiful and you shouldn't ignore them! Because they are lovely and I know I love them about me!

- Sae

*finally I'm caught up!*

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