Wednesday, July 6, 2016

book haul

Lets talk about books! So a couple of days ago I bought some books for myself. They are self help books.

I bought books for some topics that have kind of popped up for me and I want to be better equiped with info. Two of my  books are on BPD, both are survival guide type of things. I haven't read them, but I have read reviews for them. The survival guide is suppose to be really good and be really helpful with people with bpd. It also is suppose to have tips about how to deal with a really low period. The second book on BPD is called BPD Demystified is about the treatment of BPD. Like the treatment of bpd and so on.

 I also had bought a book on abandonment so I can start to read about abandonment. I deal with Abandonment a lot, and I think it would just be nice to learn and understand where abandonment comes from and some ways to help cope.

The last book I bought is called Waking The Tiger which was for trauma and PTSD which I thought I should buy. It helps me understand what happened to me and how to deal with it, and understanding trauma helps.  

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