Friday, July 22, 2016

bpd question

I have a question and its kinda simple I think. I haven’t been able to ask in my local support group because I haven’t been able to find the words to ask and explain without sounding nuts, or a way to word this without making it really triggering. Its like I feel like I need to tiptoe around it, plus I’m worried people are going to judge me heavily for it. So I thought asking online might be better.

But I was wondering if its normal for people with bpd to want to be a little girl? Or looking for away to fill that urge?

To preface this I’m also a victim of sexual abuse as a child and I also didn’t get to have a complete childhood as I had to grow up rather quickly. that and I moved a lot as a kid so I didn’t get to keep friends for long. I don’t think I’m so much into DDlg as its more of a filling of an emptiness I never had as a child. I find that I’m not really in a sexual place either when I get in that place.

Its just more finding a zone that I’m comfortable with being in, and when I’m in that space, its only when I feel extremely comfortable and not stressed but rather happy. I feel like I get also more into a childlike in the imagination sense.

I guess I was just wondering if this happens to anyone else? And if this is normal? and this also what people call there inner child?

1 comment:

  1. I think the first thing I can say is I've never had a BPD diagnosis but it is not uncommon for those who do have a adult little side to had traumatic incidents in their childhood having both had such experiences and knowing others personally who have.
    In some ways it is unfortunate that the first thing that some will think of is full on DD/lg (or CG/l) with a obvious sexual component, not that it is wrong at all but actually not everyone has that as a part of the longing to be cared for so your very child-like side feels safe to come out and play. Your inner child is that part of you that retains those child-like needs that for a good number people feel they need to let go of even though they are big part of the creative and imaginative you you can use even in more adult settings (It's no accident many creative types are more in touch with this side of them). It's not that we aren't responsible, holding down jobs, managing your own affairs and so on but you create a space to allow your child-like side out in whatever way works best for you. I hope this is of some use to you, Jo of DD/lg World.
