Friday, July 1, 2016

My week has been good. I didn't really spend any of it at my place. I spent most of my week at my boyfriend's. He had time off of work so we hung out at his place for the week. It was super nice oh my goodness. We did a few things during his break and it was relaxing.  I really liked the time we spent together. It was also just nice because I didn't feel as pushy or like we need to hurry in order to enjoy our time, which sometimes happens to me.

On Monday we went to Vancouver. We just went for a day trip, I always forgot how much energy we spend in travel.  But once we got into Vancouver we went to the mall that I like that has Diaso. I really like the mall too because its never really busy compared to some malls in Vancouver which is really busy and they are kind of overwhelming to walk around.
I felt like a happy kitten when I went to Daiso, I felt like I was in heaven. I wondered around and I bought so much stuff. I bought candies, and cute things, and craft things and lots of things. My boyfriend also bought a couple of things too. 

This is one of the candies I bought. It was really yummy. Its a little salt-y at first but its really yummy.

I did buy a few cute little space things, but I mostly bought cute craft things I needed/wanted. I also got some things for my critters. 

Tuesday we made tacos and hung out at home. We also started to watch Castle in The Sky. It was really good

(Our tacos)

and then wensday we went to sooke potholes, which was so much fun. I got to climb and explore and walk though water and play in the water. 

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