Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Butterfly Tattoo

I'm pretty aware of the butterfly project, and I really love it. It helps a lot. If you don't know what the butterfly project is, its something to help people who want to hurt themselves. Either that person or a friend, family member or SO can take a pen of any kind and draw a butterfly on the persons skin. For as long as the butterfly stays its alive, and if you cut/self harm before then you kill the butterfly, but if it fades the butterfly lives. Its kinda cute, and I've had a few butterflies and each of them have passed 'properly' and I think getting a tattoo of a butterfly on me might help me a lot with my urges of self harm. So, I've been thinking about is getting butterflies tattoo'd on me. 

I think two butterflies would be cute, and I know I want one to be purple because its one of my favorite colors. 

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