Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 3rd

Hello November! This is one of my favorite months, for a few reasons. One of those reasons is it gets colder which means apple drinks and hot chocolate! These things also have a taste, I also like it because it starts to get nippier out which means I feel more alive and I also like it because its perfect holding hands weather. I get sweaty palms so the chill weather is kinda nice.

 I also find scents in November smell really yummy too, like hand creams and stuff.  I have two things of hand cream I'm excited to use. November in my city also has a lot of rain which is lovely because I adore the rain! I know for Nov because its slowly slipping into winter I do wanna get some more colorful sweaters because our weather is going to be so gloomy soon. But for now I just have a blue and purple sweater I adore.

I also am excited for November because its my birthday month! Which means I will be getting 5 dollars off of my frozen yogurt after my birthday! Which is yummy... *drools* I kinda hope I can get one of the flavors I really like, oooh like pomegranate. I also am looking forward to my birthday! I'm going to be 24 this year, I would really like to get a gift from my family or at least speak to them on my birthday, maybe. But I don't know really know what else what I want to do for my birthday. At least yet.

I do have my eyes on some gifts I would like, just some calico critter stuff or a new 3ds game. :3  Or something else from here: Wishlist Link

Right now I'm mostly just super silly excited for turning 24. I'm always excited to know I've somehow survived another year and I have lived. I also think I did do my goal I sent out for myself before which is at least knock a few things off of my bucket list before my next birthday, so that also makes me proud.

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