Thursday, November 12, 2015

Newest Fav Anime

Recently I watched a new anime, It was called YuriKuma Arashi, Its really cute. I would totally suggest it, and without ruining it, Its a shoujo ai anime. Which means its about lesbians, I thought it was really cute, and the show it self was a little upsetting. I ended up crying. Its really cute through and there is a happy ending. They also have bears and super cuteness in it.  

As you can see. I also like it because even the bears don't look detailed (meaning there eyes) Its still really cute.  I notice a lot of people do complain about this anime because there is no males in it, but I think its became really normal for shoujo ai/yuri to be more focused around the exclusive females deal with when they are found out to be gay.  Males are more likely to just sexualize a female/female relationship, meanwhile women are more likely to be creeped out or uncomfortable by it.  

But anyways, the anime is really cute, It made me really happy watching it. And its really sweet.

And Lulu is my favorite character. Shes utterly adorable. 

And I totally wanna one of my make my calico critter cosplay now as Lulu. :X 

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