Sunday, November 22, 2015

I'm now 24!

Today Is my birthday, I have turned 24 years old.

Today has been a really good day, a super relaxing day. I've just spent it at home, I started new meds this weekend so it was also nice to just have a day with just the meds and getting all cozy, plus its my birthday so why not. Apart of me wished that I had something to do, but honestly being at home and doing nothing is pretty good for a birthday too. Sometimes doing nothing is just as great.

 I also get super excited on my birthday. The idea that I've lived another year just excites me. It also just feels special. So happy birthday to me. I feel happy because its another year I've lived, and I haven't given up. One of the things that keeps me going is the goal of seeing all of my birthdays. Is that strange?

Yesterday I went out with my boyfriend and one of our friends, we hung out around town and did some window shopping, we went to some geeky stores and looked at manga and other super cute things and basically just talked about anime. I think we also are going to be watching Madoka Magica as a group somepoint in time. I'm not sure when. We also looked at one of my favorite toy stores, it sells just vintage old toys, and weirdly enough also monster high dolls. They always look so out of place in the store. But yeah, It was nice,  we saw these really cute my little pony stable things. But they were miniature!  I think it was from the 1980s. We also saw a super super super old and cute polly pockets.

I also went out for sushi yesterday for my early birthday,  It was super yummy, I just got some salmon and I also got a veggie roll. It was super nommy! I also got to try some spicey sashimi too.  I'm also really happy because sushi is always a treat, and it always makes me feel happy. We also went to this new place that opened. It was called Grace Sushi or something like that. It was really nice, it was a small shop. But it was really nice. 

 I also got myself what is in the picture below:
I bought myself two bracelets, they both are made from real stone. The purple one is amethyst and the black one has lava stones. I bought them yesterday as an early birthday gift to myself. Together they costed 10 dollars. I think I'm wanting to wear more stuff like this.

Oooh, and for my treat for tonight, I bought myself a white chocolate bar. Its really yummy, but I haven't ate it all. I had one and a half squares. I wanna try and save it.  Also my family bought me a pre-paid card thing for 50 bucks for online, and now I'm like hmm, what should I buy.

But yeah, I had/am having a good birthday. <3

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