Thursday, December 3, 2015


Hello December, Its Day three of this month, and I haven't blogged on here since my birthday. I've been really busy with school, Its finally almost over by the way! My psychology class is over now, so now I'm just focusing on English, and my final for English is the 18th of this month. It'll be early in the morning. but I'm excited for it? If you can be excited for a exam.  My emotions go in a wave, so right now for English its just like the water is building to create a wave, so the water is full of excitement and interest. Once the waves comes however I'll be filled with fear and anxiety, then once I do the test I'll most likely feel sad or feel like I could have done better. It really sucks.

I've also been dealing with my depression so blogging is in the back of my head which is also why I haven't been on here. But I did have a good birthday. I don't know if I'm going to go bowling this weekend to be honest. I thought I was, but now I don't know? I hope I still can. I'd like too.

I might also be getting a new roommate which is one of my friends I made from Fetlife who lives local! She spent the weekend with me and my boyfriend last week. It was fun, we ate a lot of nommy food and watched youtube videos and we also watched anime together. :3 So it was a lot of fun. We didn't really do anything else.

I've also been on the personal quest of looking for anime to watch for all three of us to enjoy. But it seems a little hard to find anime it seems. A lot of the newer stuff looks really fan service-y or kinda boring.

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