Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Cat Cafe!

So I found out that a cat cafe has opened somewheres that's slightly local to me. I mean I'd have to take a boat to get there, but! I'm really excited on going at some point in time in the new year. I've been kind of really exciting and hoping that a cafe would open somewheres in Canada and local to me. I mean I love cats, I LOVE cats. Have I gotten the point across yet that I love cats? Well I do.

If you don't know what a cat cafe is, Well its basically just a coffee shop that you can buy coffee in and goodies like cookies, and there is also cats just hanging about the cafe that people can pet or play with. Its really big in Japan, and Its one of those things that I think people should see more. I know as someone who can't have a pet, its really pleasant to go to a place that has cats. It really calms me. So yeah, I love that there is now a somewhat local cat cafe. And you know another good part of this is the fact that the cats are donated from SPCA, I think you can still adopted them when you are there too. Which is so cute.

If there is a tabby cat I'm probably going to be super happy. I know when I go I'm going to take pictures. I kinda need too. Its cats and I love cats.

I also feel like I'm going to just be there and be like :

Me: *pet pet pet* Mew mew mew! *pets more cats* Nope I'm never leaving. This place can adopt me.

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