Sunday, December 27, 2015

Sandy Cat Family Names

This is just a write up for my calico critters Sandy Cat family! This is all made up! :)  I just like writing up bios!

The Cat family is a very adversities family, they are always out doing something! Even when you don't expect it! The cat family really is into having cat naps during the days, The full family is known for eating lunch and then going for a nap. They also love gardening but they can get really carried away if no one is there to stop them.  Cats by there nature are usually up in trees or hanging out around a pond somewhere's awaiting to catch fish.

Mamma Cat (Lucy)- Mamma cat really isn't a big fan of cooking, shes much more of a fan just eating food the way you get it, with the exception of fish. Mamma cat knows how to skin and remove organs for the fish she is about to feed her husband and babies. Mamma cat jumps for joy when fish is brought home. When Mamma cat isn't making fish, she is usually found in a corner of the house. She'll be knitting or sewing up something. Being in an active family she is always sewing and fixing something. If she doesn't she knows her babies will get the better of the cloth and pull on loose strains!

Mamma has her naps after she has a cup of milk. She also is someone who really focuses on manners and being always clean.

Papa Cat (Luther)- Papa cat is a fishercat. If he isn't at home sleeping with mamma cat or helping with house hold chores he is out fishing, or hunting for shell fish of some kind. Papa cat loves to go out fishing and he'll take his little ones with him.  He also loves fish and he'll eat them raw when he is at sea. (But don't tell Mamma cat this!). He is working on making her a pearl necklace. He is a caring Papa and a super sweet husband.

When he isn't busy he is normally at home being with his son and running around looking for his young daughter.

Lily - Lily is the daughter cat. She loves the ocean and she feels like she was a sea kitten in a passed life and it has carried on with her in this life.  If shes at home she's helping her friend look after her baby sister, or she is hanging out with her little brother looking up at the sky. When she out you can find her at a beach somewhere's. Shes always looking out at the sea or poking her head into pools of water finding interesting things in them. She loves to draw. She wants her own pet fish. But she was told she can't. She also collects a lot of sea shells.

Leo - Leo is the brother cat. He is a big soften when it comes to being a brother towards lily. Lily will try and play tricks on him, and he knows they are going to happen and he just plays along. He loves space. Leo wants to work as a astronauts sometime. He currently is mapping out the current star systems that are over his town! The star systems are really interesting because they are different from his books.  

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