Friday, December 4, 2015

Madoka Magica

Last weekend I finally was able to watch Madoka Magica. It's always looked really cute, but I've become really out of touch with watching anime. Its really hard for me to find anime that currently looks good.  But I saw it at the comic book shop, the manga, and I thought, well why not! Lets give it a shot! Plus there is different Magica manga I've seen now. And I kinda wanna read them.

I ended up watching this and it was really good, oh my gosh. It made me want to cry, and at the same time I have personal bones I want to pick with the blue haird girl. I really did like Madoka, and I adored Mami. 

I well say the art style really threw me off, when Madoka and her friends were fighting witches, how everything would change. I really liked it. I also liked how creepy it was, and how it was just leaving me question about whats going on, and whats going to happen in the next episode, which is something I do look for in anime.

 I try and stay away from magic girl anime, even through It was something I basically grew up on because its so based around finding love, and the love element is huge. And sometimes I feel like anime can get lost in that and it becomes the main plot and everything else around it kinda well.. drops.  But this one really blew me away.

A lot of people tell me its a yuri. I think the most I can really say is its inferred between to of the characters that something more is going on, or at least one of the characters cares about the other one a lot, but its not the main plot to the story. Which is again something I really like.

Also, Kyubey Is so freakin' creepy, I knew there was something wrong with that thing the first time I saw it. Its happy face is like to eerie for me.  But yeah, its a good anime, and I'm probably going to read the manga next, but I just wanted to say its really good. 

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