Saturday, December 19, 2015

Dream Broom

I went to this place a few years ago, Its called "North Woven Broom" Its a really lovely little broom shop outside of Nelson. We had to take a ferry to go over to the area that had really cute shops, and this was a shop I was really excited to go to. They hand make brooms and they have brooms in different sizes, and there shop smelt to great. My goodness. Everything from what I remember was hand made and they were working on brooms when I was over in the fall, and thats what they do. Summer is suppose to be really busy for them. But the brooms are beatiful, the wood its self is so smooth and lovely to touch, and the brooms made me feel really happy. I want one for my alter, I feel like they are a beatiful work of art. (They also sell them out here at a local witchery shop!)

They also were the people who made brooms for Harry Potter. So if you are a Harry Potter fan, well you now know where to get your broom from.

The shop lady was really nice and I know I'm going to buy a broom from this shop one day. Maybe I won't be able to go to the location, but I know I want to support them somehow!

They also make super neat brooms with alters and stuff too. 

If you want to see more pictures for that shop you can find them here:

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