Sunday, December 20, 2015

Calico Critters Update

So yesterday I went out to do all of my Christmas shopping. I got my boyfriend his gift which is already opened, and I also got our roomie some oreo cookies and I also bought my friend something super cute! She isn't over and I don't want to spoil it.

A got my boyfriend some nommy treats and I also got him a steam card, So now he can buy himself a new steam game if he wanted too. >W< I got to spoil him. Which makes me feel happy. I like spoiling people.

Also yesterday I also went out and I bought myself two things, one of finishing my classes and one as an early Christmas gift. Guess what I bought myself? Stars with a C! If you guessed calico critters you are right.

I bought myself to things for my house. I got this:
Its a really adorable bath set and I like that it comes with a pose-able baby bear. The only thing is the little ones head doesn't move, but she comes with her own bathtub and bath time supplies and a towel and a super cute pj set. I also adore the floor mat she gets!

I also bought a bunk bed for the room. 

I'm going to have the little bear sleep in the same room as her big sister bear. The little one sleeps on the bottom bunk and the big sister bear sleeps on the top. 

This is what their room looks like with everything:

So it feels like I have one room "done". I know I want to buy a baby set. I'm thinking of Sophie's Love n care set. It has some other cute pieces in it, and I can also put some things then around the house, like move the bathroom stuff up to the real bathroom area. For when I get a bathroom in.  I also can add some toys for the baby critter to play with and have them strung about the house. But so far this is their room.  

I also wanna make it a bit cuter more so because there is an teenager bear living in that room too. So I'm going to add some hanging things from the ceiling and I'm thinking of making making some kind of little shelf so the big sister bear can have some belongs up with her. But this is my first room mostly "done". :3 

The next room I'm going to finish for sure is going to be the living room. It already has a built in fire place and stuff around that area, so its a pretty easy room to do up.   It just needs an area for people to sit at.

Then after I'm doing the living room, I need to figure out if I want to buy the stuff for the bathroom first or do the kitchen.

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