Tuesday, December 29, 2015

purple wig.

I think when I get my money from my dad for Christmas one of the things I want to buy is a short purple bob. I love wigs, I have two and both are long, and it feels a bit hard to wear them in public. I just worry about them looking really messy. So one of the things I want to buy is a practical wig I can wear out in public and stuff. I've been really wanting purple hair lately. And I want my hair cut short. (like pixie cut.. which I might do sometime next year, I just wanna enjoy this long hair for a bit longer) and I found this wig.

I  have this hair cut before and I really liked it, and it did suit me, soo I'm thinking I might buy this wig so its more permit and I won't deal with it growing out, and the color will stay really lovely.  I hope this color matches me! 

 photo tumblr_inline_ml1c6aUbyo1qz4rgp_zpsa0b3314e.gif

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