Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What I've completed so far in my life

With my illnesses and my low self esteem sometimes Its hard to remember all of the things I've done. There is some things I think I should always credit myself for, like waking up in the morning, eating, taking my meds, and remember that days come one at a time, hour by hour. But sometimes that isn't enough. Sometimes I can still be really hard on myself. So one of the things I've started to do is track things I've finished off of my bucket list. Its important I think to sometimes remember really great things you've done in the passed year that you wanted to do. 

So this is my list of bucket list items from this year, 

✔️ Do marine biology- This has been on my list since I was a little girl. I've always been drawn to the ocean and I still am. I would still like to do something to do with the marine life in our local area. I also would love to do something for our orcas out here. I mean, they are beautiful, and powerful creatures, and I want to look after them somehow!
✔️Go whale watching - this was on my list, I sadly didn't see any whales, but I did get to see a lot of really cute sea animals, and see California sea lions! Oh and I also saw a super super super cute sea otter too!
✔️Weed -  This was on my list, but I finally tried it this year. I did it about 2-ish times and I think I really enjoyed it. I only ever did a little bit and I was really comfortable. Its not as scary as I thought it would be. I do remember asking "What do I do?" and "how does this work." xD
✔️Grow my hair out - This one is going to be added because I have successful not ripped or even chopped all my hair off this year! so YAY! Go me. Its also long, I still want it to be longer.  But I have done a really good job with growing my hair out.
✔️Figure out what path I want to do for witchcraft - I'm pretty happy that I've been able to figure out what magical path I want to go down, and I think sea magic is the best choice for me.
✔️Meet and talk to people who are also passionate about sea stars- BECAUSE THIS HAPPENED AND IT MADE ME SO FREAKIN' HAPPY.
✔️ Get better with my anxiety - I feel like my anxiety is something I have been working on really well. I wouldn't call it done or fixed but I feel like I'm at a different stage then I was about a year ago.

This is my last one:
✔️Feeling more comfortable with the way I am. - I feel like over this year I've learnted more things about me, and have uncovered things I didn't know about myself. I've also been able to kinda see myself throughout the fog I've been dealing with, I've also been able to take myself away from things that are really toxic or are a struggle. So I feel like this year I have became more comfortable with myself then what I have been in the passed few years I've been. I'm not perfect and I'm not no longer uncomfortable with me. I'm just better with a lot of things I've figured out. 

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