Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Thoughts on Krampus (Movie)

So I saw the Krampus movie this weekend, It was pretty good... at least I thought it was a good movie. It had some scary parts but I also liked how cheesy it was. I also found it not to be super scary, and there wasn't a lot of gore. I think the part that made my tummy curl up in a ball was the leg scene. But, that still wasn't to graphic. Its just more I guess the fear of the unknown I really liked. The only thing I didn't really like was the looks of the Krampus little buddies. They didn't really look scary, and I guess the laughing that they didn't also didn't come off as scary. It was more of like a goofy giggle compared to like an evil, I'm going to steal you and drag you to hell giggle. I think it was just darker for this season more then anything. But I did like it, Its also nice to see a different type of scary movie. I also liked the end. I'm a person who loves basically everything that was introduce to come back around. So that made me really happy. I don't want to spoil the movie.

I did like the music. And I found Krampus really interesting. My only real issues with him was that they covered him up with this big cape. Which I didn't like.  I didn't like it because they hid a lot of there work, and I guess it also bugs me because I would have liked to see all of the character. Even if it was once. It would have been nice just to see a glimpse.

One of my issues is the character deployment in the movie, I feel like none of the characters really changed other then one, That one would be the mother who changed. Which I liked but I felt like it was odd to see that the children didn't change at all. Which really did bug me, even more so the main character he didn't change. I mean, he was a kid so change isn't really expected but I would have loved to see some kind of change go on... And I mean, lets also just think of it this way. If some creatures where coming into my house and stealing those I loved I think I would feel pretty helpless and I don't think I'd turn into a super hero, and that kid had more guts then me.

I did like the movie and I feel like its something I could buy when it gets super cheap. (Like 5 dollars) to have and like watch maybe once a year.

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