Thursday, December 31, 2015

My biggest accomplishment(s) 2015

I wanted to do a highlights/accomplishments I did this year. I think its really important to look back on what you did in your life, even in just once year. Just so you can realize the bit you've done. So lets do this!

  • I finish my upgrading this year. 
  • I took a marine biology class and I enjoyed it
  • I got to go out everyday in the summer
  • I tried new bubble tea flavors.
  • I went back to school in September this year, I did a english class I needed and a psychology class
  • I got to go out for whale watching! I didn't see any whales but I saw other cute things.
  • I was able to get a good chunk of savings. 
  • I got some really cool scores from Vaule village! LIKE MY SUPER CUTE rilakkuma onesies!
  • I celebrated my 24th birthday in Nov
  • I made some really good friends. 
  • I've grown my hair out pretty long. 
  • I was diagnosed with bpd  
  • I found a super neat bag of gem stones. :) 
So this is my list of super great accomplishment. 

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