Sunday, November 20, 2016

Bye BoS!

I recently lost my Book of Shadows because I had it saved to my computer. Although I feel really sad about this loss, at the same time I don't really mind.  I feel like my Book Of Shadows before was way more focused on the Wiccan beliefs, and I've strayed away from the wiccan belief system a bit. I'm much more a sea witch now and I'm more focused on sea witchery, and kind of stuff compared to just plan old wicca.

I  am going to be re-writing my BoS but this time I want to try and do some stuff differently. I do want to keep it in my binder, but I also want to change things up a bit. I also feel like I'm more motivate this time to stick with it. While as before I did it for awhile and I'd stop, and I get back into it again for awhile, and then I'd stop.

I feel like even just focusing on something like the sea is going to help me a lot more even with mental illnesses blaring away like a fog horn.

But yeah. The loss sucks, but thats okay. Stuff happens.

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