Saturday, November 19, 2016


One of the things I struggle with is spending my money. Sometimes I don't want to spend any of it and I get really worried about spending my money on items like even food. Sometimes I can't bare to spend a dollar at the dollar store on something I want.  I get a lot of shame.

Other times I'm the total opposite and I wanna spend money on everything. Food, books and other shiny objects that catch my eye.  During these times I don't deal with shame. I also get driven a lot by my happy mood.

While spending money can be fun, and I do feel really excited and happy when I buy something new and I like showing it off. I have also noticed when I get that 'high' feeling, I tend to want to keep going. Its like, "oh my gosh, I bought this one thing I want, now I need to find more stuff I want to keep this happy mood going! YAY HAPPY"

Putting myself in check I think has really helped me out making sure I don't over spend. Some of the stages I've learnt are from self discipline or even just asking other people.  "What do you do?" 

Here are the things I've found the most useful:

When wanting to buy something, strictly only go in to by that one thing. - If I'm going in to buy a book, go in and buy that book. Do not go in, grab the book I want, then wonder around being like "whao look at all these other super cool books. I better grab em all."  

Take pictures of objects I want to buy - This one might sound super silly. But when I window shop, I sometimes bring my phone with me and I'll take pictures of something I want. I'll then go home, research or see if I do in fact want that object later.

Take out a small total of money and then put the card away-  This does help a lot. I'll go to the bank and withdraw the money I want to spend then I put my card away. Maybe I'll put it behind my ID, just so its out of sight out of mind. Than I have the cash on hand and its easier to spend that way.  

Research - Much like taking a picture of an object. I've dealt with buying objects I feel like I might really like. But I take it home and I'm like "naw I don't like this." I've done this with books. So I've gotten into the habit now of going online and reading about what product has caught my eye and whats it about? and I get a lot of my questions answered. 

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