Sunday, November 20, 2016

Crab Sexing!

"Crab Sexing" Or checking the sex of a crab.

I wanted to make a post about checking the sex of a crab.  I only learnt about this maybe two years ago.  And I thought it was really neat.  I always thought maybe you could tell by what size a crab was or something. But nope. The way you can tell a male and female apart is so easy!

So what you do is you flip the crab over onto his or hers back. And you want to look at the tummy area.

So when you flip them, you should see some kind of pattern on their tummies. This pattern will tell you if they are a boy crab or a girl crab.

(See picture below)

Male crabs are going to have the long kind of light house or triangle shape. While females are always going to have wide shape tummy.    Thats also all you do to sex a crab.   

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