Friday, November 18, 2016

Tools Of The Sea Witch

Shells ~
Gifts of the sea, they are used to represent the oceanic deities, Long, spiraled ones signify the Gods, while round shells symbolize the Goddesses. Cowries have been sued for centuries for the latter purpose. Many sea Witches and magicians place shells on their altars for this very reason when performing sea magic at home.

When spells are done by the sea shore, a protective circle can be marked out with a ring of shells. Shells are strung and worn to promote fertility, or to attract money, since they were once used as money.

Take a large univalve (one-piece) shell and hold it close to your ear. You will hear the voice of the sea. Let it speak to you. You may hear messages of the future or past; or the sound of the sea may still your mind for psychic messages to be received.

A special shell you find on the beach may be fashioned into a protective or lucky amulet. A shell placed at the entrance of the house ensures that luck will enter it. Conches or other very large univalves are blown at seaside rites to dispel negativity and to invite the Gods and good spirits to be present at rituals and spells.

Driftwood ~
Driftwood, infused with salt by the sea and dried by the sun on the beach, is the natural fuel for mystic bonfires, which often play a part in magic. Driftwood can also be used in spells. Take an appropriate piece, carve on it with a knife, and throw the driftwood into the sea, imploring it to grant your need. A smaller piece of driftwood can be adorned with protective symbols and worn as an amulet or talisman to attract or repel forces depending on your desires.

A wand can be made from a piece of driftwood; with this wand circles can be drawn on the sand in which magic can be performed. It can also be used to sketch runes into the sand.

Fishing Floats ~
Many years ago, floats, which are used to hold up fishing nets, were manufactured of glass, usually of a blue or green tint. The glass is thick and on the base of the ball is a slightly raised mass of glass, where the ball was sealed tightly during its manufacture. Most fishing floats today are plastic. If you do find a glass ball on the beach, you are extremely fortunate. If not, buy one in an antique or gift shop. Be sure the ball was actually used in the sea, as this charges and empowers it. Whether or not you find an old or new ball, take it to the sea at high tide. Dip it thrice into the water and say the following: “Orb of blue (or green) glass here I charge thee to be a psychic boon to me. When touched with salt your power’s free! This is my will, so mote it be.” Take the ball home, wrap in blue-green cloth, and store in a safe place. The fishing float may now be used as a crystal ball for scrying. Take it out, anoint its base with a dab of salt water, hold it in the cloth, and scry.

Holed Stones ~
If you find a stone with a hole piercing it through on the seashore, take it, for it is a valuable magical tool. the holed or holey stone (aka hag stone) is hung up in the home for protection, worn on a cord around the neck for the same purposes, and is used for many other magical purposes.

Take a holed stone, find a stick that fits tightly through the hole and lodge it firmly inside. Then throw it into the sea. Love will come to you.

To see the spirits of the sea, take the holed stone with you to the ocean at night, at high tide. Close one eye, facing the sea, and put the holed stone to the other. Look through the hole and you may see spirits.

For healing, place a holed stone into your bath water, and add salt. The holed stone is one of the most valuable tools of magic, and is a gift from the sea. Since it is a symbol of eternity and the female force of nature, it is not only a good luck piece and an effective magical tool, it is indeed sacred.

Seaweed ~
There are many magical uses of seaweed. For starters, it can be used in place of many herbs in spells.
Dry a small piece outdoors. When it is fully dry, hang it in the home and it will keep the structure safe from fire. Dried seaweed is also used for kindling the fires on the beach, and is hung as a weather indicator outside. When the seaweed is shriveled up, the weather will be sunny. However, when it swells and feels damp to the touch, chances are wet weather is to be expected.

A small piece of seaweed placed in a jar of whiskey, tightly capped and set in a sunny window, may attract money to your household. The bottle should be shaken everyday.
Fishing Net ~
Trapping evil influences. Draped over doorways and windows, fishing nets can act as a filter to capture harmful thoughts and intentions, and keep them from the living space.

They are also a convenient place to tie charms for timed spells, which is far better and safer than leaving a candle burning for the required number of days.

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