Sunday, May 31, 2015

Calico critters names & little bios

So these are my own bios I've written up about my own critters. There is real ones that come with them, but I wanted to do my own.

The cuddle bear family is a very adventurous family. They pride themselves on having a huge family, They have daughters, and one of their daughters even has a daughter! They have two wee ones that they look after still.  and there family is very active - the family loves to go on nature hikes together, they love identify plants together. On Sundays they go for long drives, although currently the family doesn't have enough berries to get there dream car that'll fit most of them, they will someday!

Mummy Cuddle Bear-

Mummy bear and Papa bear have been married for as long as the oaks have been on the earth. (Or so mummy bear tells her kids.) Mummy bear really loves classical music, she loves being by a campfire or a fire place. She teaches her kids the important things in life. Such as how to cook, sew, and figure out what is okay to pick.  Mummy bear loves her child and she looks after them a lot. When she isn't making dinner she's always keeping a watchful eye.

Mummy bear also is a guide, in the summer she'll take tourists up around the area and she'll show them the sights. She also dreams to become a teacher or at least work with children.

Papa Cuddle Bear-

Papa bear tells a similar story to how long him and his wife have been together for, but he is really bad with dates so he asks leaves that up to his wife to tell.  Although that is a fact, if you get him talking he can tell you about their first date and how awkward it was for the both of them. Although it seems like papa bear would have a bad memory he doesn't. Papa bear is very smart and wise, he remembers a lot of stuff. He has a huge memory and he knows a lot of stuff, from driving a car and a boat to what things not to eat in the forest and what to do if you are lost. Papa Bear is a volunteer for the local police and fire services. He goes out and helps find missing people, or fight fires.

Papa bear can cook really well on a bbq, one of his favorite things to do is tell stories to his little ones.   Papa bears dream is to become a principal and maybe also own a small ice cream truck. (He also really likes ice cream, and he can get buckets of it free if he drives an ice cream truck!)

Jamie Cuddle Bear (Big Sister Bear)

Jamie or Jam for short is the name for the older of the two bigger bears. She loves to read and write, she wants to write novels of the adventures she's gone on, She likes fiction and non-fiction. Jamie is also very creative, she loves to draw and paint. She also loves sewing and its something her and her mum do together. She also loves to tend to the garden and she helps out with the little bears when she isn't to busy.

Jamie at the moment doesn't know what she wants to do for a job. She just wants to help out when she can. But she also wants to learn more and she's hopeful she'll make friends soon.

Hickory (Big Brother Bear)

Hickory is a bit of a foodie in his house.  Big brother bear loves food, he loves meat, fruits, fats, sweets and other goodies. He is always helpful when it comes to Mummy bear cooking in the kitchen. Little does she know when she leaves he is helping himself to scraps in the kitchen. He is a gentle big brother. He loves sports, he loves to play them, and he also likes to watch them.

At the moment Hickory just wants to be able to get a job that'll support him eating, he thinks a grocery store might be a good idea for now, because the city needs one. But he also would be interested in working at a burger joint!

Baby Cuddle Bears Twins  

Berry is the baby girl, she likes to go for walks, be picked up and taken out with her big sister and brother. She loves going out in nature and playing.  Berry is very friendly, she loves to watch tv shows with her family. And if her big brother and sister are busy, she'll play with her twin.

Honey is the baby boy, he loves grabbing onto his papa bears back and being taken for hikes. Honey also really likes eating fruit. He is very busy, he always is wanting to learn.  He really also loves toys, games and he loves playing!

5 Book Must haves

This is a book I want, its called Whelks to Whales. Its a fully colored field guide of sea life from BC to all the way down the USA coast. I really love guide books. I love them because I can learn about animals I would otherwise not know about. I also want to start a bit of a sea life reference books.  I've also flipped around it in at my school because my teacher has it. And its a really amazing field guide. 

I was flipping through this coloring book a few days ago, its really cute. The drawings aren't harder to color, but I think it would be nice to have. I really love coloring and its super great for anxiety, its a way to do grounding. And coloring also really helps with my depression too, because its such a creative outlet. 
Into the great Silence is another book I saw that peak my curiosity. I really really love Orca's, I think my full family could tell you that. They are my number one favorite animal.  This book is about a smaller group of killer whales that the writer Eva Saultis has grown a closer connection with. I think this is something I would like to read just because of that. 
I'm a huge peter rabbit fan, I really love peter rabbit and I adore Beatrix Potter. Her story is so inspiring and she's an amazing women.  And I want this book too, this one is a lot lighter than some of the other books I posted.  Its suppose to be full of beautiful photographs of her house, pictures of her original drawings a long with just telling you about the house she ended up living in. 
I really adore cinnamon roll and when I saw this book(manga) a few months back, I was like oh my gosh I need this. Its so cute. I've saw a bit of it online, and I know its something I want to just own. :3 I might name one of my Calico Critters after a character from Cinnamon Roll.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


So my class stops on June the 20th, that's my final day.I'm kinda sad to know my course is going to end in about 4 weeks.  I don't want to be sad about it just yet because that's still a long time away. I've been having tests and quiz's every week and labs. So it has been good. And I'm learning a lot because we are touching on a bunch of subjects.

I've been saving a bit of money so at the end of this full semester I can get myself a gift. I feel like its going to be a big gift because I feel like I've been doing a bunch of work, and I think its really good to reward myself. I think I'm going to gift myself a few calico critters from my wishlist.

I'm thinking of getting myself the cuddle bear family.
I also want to get the camper
Which I think is perfectly fine for now.  I don't have a house for my family yet. And if I have this, it can be a make shift house for a bit.  :P 

I also think I might get a tent too. So the mummy and the Daddy bear can sleep inside of somewheres or the kids can. :3
Plus its really cute and there is a guide too that comes with it. 

 But I think this is what I'm going to gift myself, well that and than maybe a chocolate bar and a calpico strawberry drink.  But yeah, its about as much as a house with no room accessories will be... So I think its a good idea for now. Until I can get a house and start working on the insides of it.  I also think my little critter family is really going to enjoy the house I get for them, and I think the mamma bear is really going to enjoy and like her new guide friend.

I also am going to have fun taking pictures too, and I think I might write a story and write a post about each little critters personalities and what they want to be. (On the box they have this. But I wanna make mine all personal) 

Friday, May 22, 2015


A few months ago I bought myself a second hand but perfectly fine working DS from a second hand shop. Today before class I ended up making it pretty by decorating with stickers.  :3 I always see really cute DS's on tumblr. So I wanted to make mine cute too. I also wanna do a similar thing to my 3DS. (I'm going to make my 3DS ocean themed) 

Now its all cute. :3 I like it like this! 

Seaweed Art

Last thursday I talked about doing sea weed art for class, I ended up getting mine back. We did a layer of what I think was glue, but I'm not sure. It was to give the seaweed a shine so it would look wet. And this is my finished piece of art. 
Its my first time doing seaweed art, and I did a bunch of different types of seaweed.

I really enjoyed doing this art for class, I think during my summer I might do a bit more. With different types of seaweed and see what I come up with.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Lolita Coord inspiration

This is my first inspired coord I've made, and its my only one so far. I don't have the pieces I need to make it still. But I know one day I will.  I love Studio Ghibli and I really adore Howls Moving Castle so much. And this coord is based off of the dress Sophie wore most of the movie. 

I don't know if I'll ever be able to do this outfit but I know there are other lolitas out there, and I know some like Studio Ghibli so this is a coord idea for really anyone. 

Documentary I really liked

This is a movie I really enjoying watching. As the title says its called "The women how same with Killer whales" I found this movie, and I was excited. I think from what I remember she didn't do too much swimming by she explained a lot about what she was doing and why.  

There isn't just orcas in this movie, they also do show her going off and saving other whales too.  Its about a lady out in  New Zealand who is trying to save killer whales because there numbers are low. In the 200's. Which surpriselying enough isn't much higher than our count in my local area. Killer whales seem to be going down in numbers compared to up.  This is impart because they are huge animals so they don't need to breed as much as we do, or other animals we can think of that do. Their life cycle is suppose to be longer, and I think its also because these animals live in 'stress zones'.
Stress zones mean an animal can basically find food and do what they can, but they can't make babies.  A lot of things can make animals stressed out. Be it fishing, population or just another animal in the area that is also eating there food source. 
This is a wonderful movie. I'd suggest wanting it. Its really good. 


Yesterday I had so much fun. I got to hang out with a local friend. She ended up buying gloves from me and suspenders. We went out for bubble tea, I got this strawberry bubble tea. It was really sweet. I think next time I going to try it with milk tea compared to green tea.  I've tried milk tea before and its yummy.

We also went window shopping, and it was fun. I've never really been able to show cute things to another girl and for both of us to get excited and happy together. So it was great.

I also saw a really cute pendent at a shop I want.

This is the pendant I want.  It's so cute, its a little humpback whale. The pedant in the shop was $80, but the same seller sells it for $55.  I think it would be nice to get seeing as I'm doing my course. I might change it with the idea of getting a tattoo. I could get this an a calico critter thingy. :3

I'm going on week three for my course too btw. Its exciting! I really do like it.

So far everything is really great. I know on thursday I was really overwhelmed by our first lab we had. But other than that its been a lot of fun. I like learning. And I've also really enjoyed our trips. I've learnt a bunch.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sea Weed Art

In class today we made seaweed art. I made a bookmark. Its currently being pressed and next week I'll be getting it back. I'm excited because I've never done it before. But now that I've done it once, I'd like to do it more.

Sea weed art, for those that are wondering is like flower pressing. Its a neat way to keep specimens you find, and you also can do an artistic spin on it.

What you want to do is go to the beach, collect pieces of seaweed specimens, Try not to take a lot because other life do live off of sea weeds.  But collect what you can, find different ones you think are pretty or interesting. Pick up different samples and then you go home and you arrange them in a way on papers. When you are happy with the arrangement you grab some fabric. online I've seen people recommend weed block. You want to use cloth mesh. 

Than you put your finished work, under book or something heavy. Its really neat. I think during the summer I might do a bit more of it. Hang some stuff up. :3 

Here is a quick list of what you'll need:
1. seaweed
2. 140lb watercolor paper
3. paper towels
4. rectangular bucket, filled with several inches of water
5. weed screen, weed barrier cloth, or other cloth mesh
6. an artist's brush
7. toothpicks or tweezers
8. corrugated cardboard
10. bricks, heavy weights, books. You want something heavy

Here is a how to website I just grabbed. Its a good one:

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Seven Months

Its been seven months of my boyfriend and I being together.

Seven months, I feel like we've been together for years, but it's only been seven months. but thats not bad. Thats not even a short time. Its a lot of time for us, and we've lived with each other since the start of our relationship.

Our relationship is great, and I'm so glad I meat him.  I feel strong with him, independent, I don't feel weak or scared of the world. I feel like I can go out and do things, power through my day, do what I want to do to, and know when I come home I know there are arms that'll wrap around me, and love me.  I'm not going to credit him for some of my recovery, because thats still something thats personal and I feel like is something only the personal with the issues can do. But he has helped me with my techniques and practices I've learnt.

Sure, there's stuff that can bug me, but honestly, its normal.  You're always going to have a beef with something the person you love does. It's the way it is. His not the same as me, and I wouldn't want him too. I love that he is different and thats what attracts me to him.

I just feel like I can be me with him. I can have my own interests and views on things without worrying about upsetting him.   There's just something about him that's really settling being with him.

:3 I just feel happy, and I felt like I wanted to share.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Whale watching trip.

Not my photo. But I now can knock this off my bucket list. 

I got back from my whale watching trip. It started at 9:30 this morning, I went with my marine biology class, and my trip was a blast. I had a lot of fun, There was a lot of talking about the local wildlife and stuff and we learnt some stuff.  We sadly didn't get to see any whales. Someday, I know I'm going to get my chance to go see them, and I will snap photos. But I still enjoyed going. Being in a boat, on the ocean was a lot of fun for me. I do really like the ocean, and I'm hoping thats where my course is going to take me.


The light house above, its called Race Rocks, its out here in BC.  The light house in the image, all the rocks to make it. The black and white ones came from Ireland. 

I got to go in the USA waters during this whale watching trip, Which was interesting, we got to see some powerful waves, and we also got to enjoy some the cooler water. The tide was out, so we got to see a lot of exposed rock out there too. 
On my trip we got to see some really cute animals, As I said I didn't get to see any whales, I also didn't get to see any proposes, or Dolphins. But I got to see some other critters! I got to see Steller sea lions and California sea lions.  

For those that don't know the different, look at my other post. California sea lions tend to be darker, while Steller ones are bigger, and there fur/coat is a softer brown color.   California sea lions are also the ones that bark and can be see at places like aquariums. They are the ones that do cute tricks, like bounce a ball on there nose. While the Steller ones roar, and they sound more like a lion.
I also got to see a sea otter, which made me feel really happy. I took a couple of photos.  :3 He was cute, he was just floating in his little kelp forest as you can see. Interestingly enough sea otters never go on land. They always stay in the water. We have River otters out here too. They stay near the docks. These guys however aren't found around there. And these guys are also rarer to see because of the massive killings that was done for there fur. So it was really exciting to see one up as close as we could get. 

I was really happy with my trip. I wish I could have taken more photos, but I took photos of what I liked. <3 So I hope you guys enjoy. 

I'm loving my class right now too.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mammals in my local waters

Tomorrow I get to go whale watching. That also means I might see some sea lions and other cuties too. :3 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

How To Build Your Own Moss Terrariums

Step One:  Choose a glass container. It can be anything from a clean, reused pickle jar to a vintage vase.  Just make sure the container is clear and not colored glass, which could hinder growth.  Also consider the size of the opening as well. Making a terrarium out of a vintage perfume bottle may seem like a creative idea, but the narrow opening may prove problematic when you go to place greenery inside. I used a glass jar.
Step Two:  Now that you have picked out your glass container. Its now time to get messy. Place a handful of rocks at the bottom of the container. This layer helps to shape the terrain while aiding drainage and aeration. You also can do a layer of dirt. I did one layer of dirt one layer of rocks and than a final small layer of dirt.  The greenery you’ll be planting will determine the type of soil you use. For moss, use a peat moss mixture, which is less likely to mold.The smaller the container, the thinner the rock layer. You’ll want to leave enough “head space” at the top of the terrarium when you’re finished that the setup doesn’t look cramped. 
Step Three: Place the slightly damp moss onto the rocks, patting it down so that it fills the entire surface area. 
Step Four: Give the plant some water to help prevent transplant shock, keeping in mind that the container doesn’t have drainage holes like a potted plant would. The rocks layer will aid with drainage. 

Maintenance: As for Maintenance Moss is a low Maintenance plant.  Keep it moist. Don’t let it sit out in harsh sunlight.