Saturday, May 9, 2015

Seven Months

Its been seven months of my boyfriend and I being together.

Seven months, I feel like we've been together for years, but it's only been seven months. but thats not bad. Thats not even a short time. Its a lot of time for us, and we've lived with each other since the start of our relationship.

Our relationship is great, and I'm so glad I meat him.  I feel strong with him, independent, I don't feel weak or scared of the world. I feel like I can go out and do things, power through my day, do what I want to do to, and know when I come home I know there are arms that'll wrap around me, and love me.  I'm not going to credit him for some of my recovery, because thats still something thats personal and I feel like is something only the personal with the issues can do. But he has helped me with my techniques and practices I've learnt.

Sure, there's stuff that can bug me, but honestly, its normal.  You're always going to have a beef with something the person you love does. It's the way it is. His not the same as me, and I wouldn't want him too. I love that he is different and thats what attracts me to him.

I just feel like I can be me with him. I can have my own interests and views on things without worrying about upsetting him.   There's just something about him that's really settling being with him.

:3 I just feel happy, and I felt like I wanted to share.

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