Sunday, May 3, 2015

How To Build Your Own Moss Terrariums

Step One:  Choose a glass container. It can be anything from a clean, reused pickle jar to a vintage vase.  Just make sure the container is clear and not colored glass, which could hinder growth.  Also consider the size of the opening as well. Making a terrarium out of a vintage perfume bottle may seem like a creative idea, but the narrow opening may prove problematic when you go to place greenery inside. I used a glass jar.
Step Two:  Now that you have picked out your glass container. Its now time to get messy. Place a handful of rocks at the bottom of the container. This layer helps to shape the terrain while aiding drainage and aeration. You also can do a layer of dirt. I did one layer of dirt one layer of rocks and than a final small layer of dirt.  The greenery you’ll be planting will determine the type of soil you use. For moss, use a peat moss mixture, which is less likely to mold.The smaller the container, the thinner the rock layer. You’ll want to leave enough “head space” at the top of the terrarium when you’re finished that the setup doesn’t look cramped. 
Step Three: Place the slightly damp moss onto the rocks, patting it down so that it fills the entire surface area. 
Step Four: Give the plant some water to help prevent transplant shock, keeping in mind that the container doesn’t have drainage holes like a potted plant would. The rocks layer will aid with drainage. 

Maintenance: As for Maintenance Moss is a low Maintenance plant.  Keep it moist. Don’t let it sit out in harsh sunlight.  

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