Sunday, May 31, 2015

Calico critters names & little bios

So these are my own bios I've written up about my own critters. There is real ones that come with them, but I wanted to do my own.

The cuddle bear family is a very adventurous family. They pride themselves on having a huge family, They have daughters, and one of their daughters even has a daughter! They have two wee ones that they look after still.  and there family is very active - the family loves to go on nature hikes together, they love identify plants together. On Sundays they go for long drives, although currently the family doesn't have enough berries to get there dream car that'll fit most of them, they will someday!

Mummy Cuddle Bear-

Mummy bear and Papa bear have been married for as long as the oaks have been on the earth. (Or so mummy bear tells her kids.) Mummy bear really loves classical music, she loves being by a campfire or a fire place. She teaches her kids the important things in life. Such as how to cook, sew, and figure out what is okay to pick.  Mummy bear loves her child and she looks after them a lot. When she isn't making dinner she's always keeping a watchful eye.

Mummy bear also is a guide, in the summer she'll take tourists up around the area and she'll show them the sights. She also dreams to become a teacher or at least work with children.

Papa Cuddle Bear-

Papa bear tells a similar story to how long him and his wife have been together for, but he is really bad with dates so he asks leaves that up to his wife to tell.  Although that is a fact, if you get him talking he can tell you about their first date and how awkward it was for the both of them. Although it seems like papa bear would have a bad memory he doesn't. Papa bear is very smart and wise, he remembers a lot of stuff. He has a huge memory and he knows a lot of stuff, from driving a car and a boat to what things not to eat in the forest and what to do if you are lost. Papa Bear is a volunteer for the local police and fire services. He goes out and helps find missing people, or fight fires.

Papa bear can cook really well on a bbq, one of his favorite things to do is tell stories to his little ones.   Papa bears dream is to become a principal and maybe also own a small ice cream truck. (He also really likes ice cream, and he can get buckets of it free if he drives an ice cream truck!)

Jamie Cuddle Bear (Big Sister Bear)

Jamie or Jam for short is the name for the older of the two bigger bears. She loves to read and write, she wants to write novels of the adventures she's gone on, She likes fiction and non-fiction. Jamie is also very creative, she loves to draw and paint. She also loves sewing and its something her and her mum do together. She also loves to tend to the garden and she helps out with the little bears when she isn't to busy.

Jamie at the moment doesn't know what she wants to do for a job. She just wants to help out when she can. But she also wants to learn more and she's hopeful she'll make friends soon.

Hickory (Big Brother Bear)

Hickory is a bit of a foodie in his house.  Big brother bear loves food, he loves meat, fruits, fats, sweets and other goodies. He is always helpful when it comes to Mummy bear cooking in the kitchen. Little does she know when she leaves he is helping himself to scraps in the kitchen. He is a gentle big brother. He loves sports, he loves to play them, and he also likes to watch them.

At the moment Hickory just wants to be able to get a job that'll support him eating, he thinks a grocery store might be a good idea for now, because the city needs one. But he also would be interested in working at a burger joint!

Baby Cuddle Bears Twins  

Berry is the baby girl, she likes to go for walks, be picked up and taken out with her big sister and brother. She loves going out in nature and playing.  Berry is very friendly, she loves to watch tv shows with her family. And if her big brother and sister are busy, she'll play with her twin.

Honey is the baby boy, he loves grabbing onto his papa bears back and being taken for hikes. Honey also really likes eating fruit. He is very busy, he always is wanting to learn.  He really also loves toys, games and he loves playing!

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