Sunday, May 17, 2015

Documentary I really liked

This is a movie I really enjoying watching. As the title says its called "The women how same with Killer whales" I found this movie, and I was excited. I think from what I remember she didn't do too much swimming by she explained a lot about what she was doing and why.  

There isn't just orcas in this movie, they also do show her going off and saving other whales too.  Its about a lady out in  New Zealand who is trying to save killer whales because there numbers are low. In the 200's. Which surpriselying enough isn't much higher than our count in my local area. Killer whales seem to be going down in numbers compared to up.  This is impart because they are huge animals so they don't need to breed as much as we do, or other animals we can think of that do. Their life cycle is suppose to be longer, and I think its also because these animals live in 'stress zones'.
Stress zones mean an animal can basically find food and do what they can, but they can't make babies.  A lot of things can make animals stressed out. Be it fishing, population or just another animal in the area that is also eating there food source. 
This is a wonderful movie. I'd suggest wanting it. Its really good. 

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