Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sea Weed Art

In class today we made seaweed art. I made a bookmark. Its currently being pressed and next week I'll be getting it back. I'm excited because I've never done it before. But now that I've done it once, I'd like to do it more.

Sea weed art, for those that are wondering is like flower pressing. Its a neat way to keep specimens you find, and you also can do an artistic spin on it.

What you want to do is go to the beach, collect pieces of seaweed specimens, Try not to take a lot because other life do live off of sea weeds.  But collect what you can, find different ones you think are pretty or interesting. Pick up different samples and then you go home and you arrange them in a way on papers. When you are happy with the arrangement you grab some fabric. online I've seen people recommend weed block. You want to use cloth mesh. 

Than you put your finished work, under book or something heavy. Its really neat. I think during the summer I might do a bit more of it. Hang some stuff up. :3 

Here is a quick list of what you'll need:
1. seaweed
2. 140lb watercolor paper
3. paper towels
4. rectangular bucket, filled with several inches of water
5. weed screen, weed barrier cloth, or other cloth mesh
6. an artist's brush
7. toothpicks or tweezers
8. corrugated cardboard
10. bricks, heavy weights, books. You want something heavy

Here is a how to website I just grabbed. Its a good one:

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