Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Last field trip for my class!

I went to the beach today with my class for low tide. We went around labeling and identifying species of ocean life that lives on our coast. (The little critters! Not the big ones)  It was fun, we found porcelain crabs and kelp crabs to little decorative crabs.  We also found some purple crabs, we saw different sea stars, sea weeds and even sea anemones and sea urchins. I brought my camera with me. I didn't take pictures of everything. I was busy trying to learn and just look at things, poke at things and watch things live out there life for the little bit of time I got to watch them for. The area we also went too as you can see from the pictures above was also really rocky so it wasn't really clumsy friendly. xD So I spent a lot of time just moving really slow and hoping I don't fall on my face.

This is a porcelain crab. And yeah I put him on my knee. he didn't seem to like being held but he was fine when I put him down on my knee for a quick picture. You can see they have these big pinches. there super neat and cutie little things. They also have long antennae. Which is just super cute!

I'm not sure what sea anemone this is.  I want to say maybe painted sea anemone. 

Helmet crab top. There was no one home in this. I was going to bring it home with me, but I gave it to my teacher in stand. I wanna find one now for myself to keep this summer. Its so neat isn't it? 

Mottled sea star
Six armed sea star. Its just a little babe too! :3 I watched it wiggle its little legs around as it tried to get back into a hiding spot.
Teenager sea gulls. :3 

The rest can be found here: Click here

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