Tuesday, June 30, 2015


I'm a bisexual women and I'm rather proud of it too. And I'm excited that this week is pride week. Gay rights and being able to voice that I'm real, and I'm bisexual is so important too me. I have gay friends, I have straight friends, I have bisexual friends.

I'm lucky I live in canada where being gay isn't a big deal. Being interested in the same sex isn't a huge problem either. I'm happy my city has the gay flag hung up down town, and our city cross walk is painted with pride colors.  But you still meet people who have the toxic ideals even in Canada. Which really sicknesses me.

I'm a person who is really proud and open about being bisexual in my life to people. I feel like its something I don't need to hide. I've been lucky enough that the people who know are open minded. I sometimes worry about parts of my family finding out, because some of them still have the thoughts that being gay is bad or unnatural.

When its not.

Whats unnatural is hiding those feelings.  Knowing what sex you are interested in isn't unnatural. Its normal. You were born that way.  

This weekend I want to go to the pride parade.  I hope I can get some pride stuff too for free. But who knows.

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