Thursday, June 25, 2015

Making a Promise

For this summer my two biggest goals is to try and go out often and try and do a lot of photography. I haven't been able to do a lot of it because of my class. But now that I'm not in school, I feel like I'll be able to go out more. Also as I said in my last post, I made a friend from my class. And we both are photographers, and we both love exploring so this summer I think will more then likely be able to go out and take photos. And that makes me so happy too!

I've done about three courses and my third one I finally made a friend. <3 So I'm happy.

I also really want to get back into blogging more. I feel like I haven't been able to get into blogging for awhile now. Its sometimes really hard to even figure out what to write a post on. But this summer I really want to try and make more posts. Or at least do one post per day.

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