Thursday, June 25, 2015

Sea Magic By Sandra Kynes - Journal questions

I've taken the questions from section one in my book from Sandra Kynes and I thought I would answer the questions on here.  This is my journal and I feel like this might be the best place to answer some of these questions.

What does the word magic mean to you?  The word magic means to me something that is wonderfully strange and has unexplained proprieties that works Although I am a witch I still feel like in a lot of ways magic is still very unexplained to me, and it has a very mystic aura around it. Magic is in the wind, the ocean, in humans, plants and animals. I feel like magic is really creative and it exists as much as we do.

What does water mean to you? in general and ocean water  specifically?  Water is the means of life, everything needs water in order to keep living, from big plants and small plants to animals.  Some animals and life forms use water as a habit  a place to be safe and there home,  and with out it they'd die. Other a life needs water to keep going, like humans do, and plants that live on land. Water is really important. And Ocean water is super important to me because it lets so much life that lives in the ocean and around it. Creatures count on the ocean to live.

What have you felt while watching the ocean? (I cut the rest of this off for myself)  I feel really calm, relaxed and more at center with myself when I'm watching the ocean.  It really helps me with my anxiety and depression. It also really calms my ptsd. Even when the water can be tougher, like watching big rolling waves its still very relaxing for me. As I watch I feel like the bad stuff in my life is being taken out and more good stuff is being brought back on shore while the waves crash back and forth. I've also felt the a sense of wonder, strength. When I'm by the ocean I start to feel very strong. Like I can take on about anything. 

What sensations did you experience with the sea centering practice?  Was it similar to grounding or was there a clear difference for you? I haven't tried the sea centering practice yet. So I really can't put any in put on that one.  I do really want to try it. I might try it the next time I'm at the beach.

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