Saturday, June 20, 2015

Sea Magic

Sea magic is something I've been really interesting in reading about and learning about more.  I really love witchcraft, and magic. I also really do believe in magic, energies and I believe everything is connected. In a lot of ways I hope I can help mother earth by just doing simple tasks like when going to the beach not picking up alive animals, taking home dead shells if I want one, and not picking up too much stuff. I also feel like I help by bussing, not driving, walking, and I also pick up plastics and other trash at the beach already.

So this really just goes more in hand with what I believe already.  lately I've been reading a book my friend bought me a few months ago and I'm starting to get really into it.

I read a bit about animal totems too. And I've had one really stick out to me. Which is the sea cow, we also know it as a mantaa. I love what it stands for and how peaceful that create is. I also really love dolphins and stuff too. But I'm just really drawn to a mantaa.  I might do more reading about totems but for now. I really want a little mantaa totem I saw at my local wicca shop. 

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Although I am a witch, I have yet to really pick a path for myself. I'm in love with the ocean as most should know and I find sea magic really interesting for me, and it seems like an interesting medium to get into, and I feel like its a fit for me.  So I've been reading more about it. I have a lot of stuff already to make my own alter.   I also was looking more into the god and goddness too and I've finally had two that really stick in my mind. 

So yay. I feel like I can finally start going more on my path, I'm so glad I've been inspired lately again to start learning more about what I believe in and the path I want to go down. 

I also found this coloring page:

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