Thursday, July 2, 2015

Canada Day

Yesterday was Canada day and I had so much fun.  Yesterday my boyfriend and I headed out to see my friend and her boyfriend. We got to go over to there place and play with the kittens.  There so cute.  I love both of them, but I really like the small little kitten a bunch.   He is so cute. >W< I miss being around baby kittens. 

 I forgot to wear red and white yesterday, I was more worried about being cool and covered.  Thats okay though because I was still happy by heart.  Oh and the fireworks were beautiful! They had my favorite which is the little ones that pop like popcorn. But I do like some of the other ones too.   I had a good canada day! 

Hm, come to think of it. We did have red on when we were eating those ketchup chips I bought.  

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